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gang. But Stokes boys are all

Tennesseans, and know every hole

and corner of this State. And the

Guerlla that hids long from him mu

st be smart indeed.

I have not had much to do this

last week, and am in hopes to have

a weeks leasure, ahead of me but

there's no telling what may turn up

from one day to another.

We are looking for the Pay Master

with all the eyes in our heads, and

for your sacke I wish he would come,

as for myself I could do well enough

if he did not pay us of for 6 months,

however. I live in hopes to see him in the

course of a week or two now.

There has been some considerable talk

of our moving, but it may be all talk,

and I hope it is as we are very pleasant

ly situated here, in good houses, and

the duty is getting to be quite light, as

spring advnaces, but we may be ordered