James Miller McKim, Pennsylvania a Freedmen's Relief Association, No. 424 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to "my dear May", 1865 March

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Genl Saxton, [?] Andrew

or some such persons. 

Now I want you as

one of the Board of Managers

of the Am. Association to

put these facts in your

pipe & smoke them & 

see what the result will be. 

Oliver thinks that the 

Standard will come to 

a stop about the [1 st?]

May. That is my own im

pression also. 

I am coming to 

Boston one of these days. I

want you to be there

when I come. I am on

the Comee [Committee] to establish a paper

& that will be part of my

errand. Meanwhile

[Marginalia - left side of page]


write to me and aid me by your suggestoins

Ever yours J. M. McKim.