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[the following is printed on the page]

                               ACTS OF


                    PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR

                    PARKER PILLSBURY

                        CONCORD, N.H.

                    PRICE $1.50   BY MAIL, $1.63

      Also for sale by CUPPLES, UPHAM & CO., SCHOOL ST., BOSTON, MASS.

 Extract of Letter from Wendell Phillips just a Month before his Death:

                                                            Jan. 3rd, 1884.

    DEAR PILLSBURY:- Grover tells me you are not well, I am very sorry; but you must

hasten to get well, for there are very few of the Apostles left, and we can't spare you

yet from this scene.

    I was reading your volume, and meaning to write you when I had finished - but

rather now, to tell you how much gratified I have been with it. Old scenes freshened,

and half forgotten points brought out and set in fitting light. That Beach matter is re-

markably well told, and the attitude of the church thoroughly examined, and arraigned.

Thanks. * * * * I hope you will take excellent care of yourself and give us

another volume, carrying on and filling out the picture. With warmest regards to our

wife and daughter,

                            Yours faithfully,

                                      WENDELL PHILLIPS.



                               Concord, N.H.

                                 2 July, 1884.

My dear friend May - It is long

since we have exchaged sig

nals [signals]. I have seen something

and suffered much in the time.

Mr. Phillips has passed away, soon

followed by Mr. & Mrs. Wallcut,

Mr. Whipple has removed to

New York, and now, what is

left for me in that once dear

est [dearest] city to my heart, in bothe

the Hemispheres?


[Marginalia:  left margin]

We are all in usual health. I am

lower in avoirdupoise than at any

time in half of a

century, and am

not quite as

two years ago.


[Marginalia: right margin]

My very kindest

remembrances to

Mrs. May and the family

circle. P.P.