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On they came! Our line as still as the

death which hovered so near them – calmly

waiting their movements. – they as unconscious

of the terrible vengeance they were invoking, as

if we were not in existence, - until within

about a hundred yards of us when Col. S

order sounded clear & distinct in the awful

silence, "Let them have it." and instantly

from two embrasures, burst two bright flames.

whose death accompanying projectiles, [?]

into their astonished ranks, confusion almost in-

-describable. – They did not wait for us to give

them a taste of our small arms, but splendidly

performing, a "right about wheel skedaddle,"

they commenced such an inglorious retreat as

was, perhaps never equalled. – Shell after

Shell exploded in their disordered ranks, and

in a few moments, after, all that could be seen

of our valiant foe, was a long dark line of

battle, most beautifully drawn up just out

of range of our Artillery. – Here gathering

their scattered senses, they remained, contemplating