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us, doubtless in astonishment. – I wonder if

"distance lent enchantment to the view?" –

During the day, as they marched, counter mar-

ched, and performed their various evolutions, we

gave them a constant & pretty heavy sprinkling

of Shot & Shell, which so completely satisfied

them of our belligerent intentions that by twelve

o'clock, they retired.  The attacking force con-

sited of Cavalry, (about a Brigade. or.

1000 Strong)  On their final retreat, they turned

back their Reserve of 12 pieces artillery

& 5000 Infantry, and at this moment are

retracing their steps to Williamsburg.


Our force at the time of attack consisted of

Col S. command.  (Holcombe Legion, about

75. men in the trenches & one section – 2 pieces



Once more in Camp and time allowed for

reflection, we are conscious of only one regard

& that is that the enemy was not more persistent

and determined in his plans.  We would then have

inflicted such loss upon him as to deter him