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sufficiently to give the subject thought. – Consequently

when my now tried & true friend Miss Bettie first

presented to my observant eyes very little time was used

in discovering the existence of virtues and charms, which

would render her an invaluable friend.  and - (allow

me to say it) – I then and there determined to secure

(if possible) the esteem of one I had invested with such

exalted powers – As regards the various changes &

circumstances which have marked the progress of our

acquaintance – it is unnecessary to speak.  Suffice it

to say – I not only have had no reason to believe my first

opinions incorrect, but to congratulate myself often that the

same kind Providence that has always crowned my life with

benefits had directed me to such kind generous & noble

friends, as I found at Ingleside. – (My other friends in

its vicinity might consider me unjustly partial could

they hear me in the frequent Eulogies it inspires & yet

they could do me injustice for a more appreciative heart

does not exist than mine - & I can never forget Old Church

and its happy associations)  But! Miss Bettie must not

forget in the general tribute the larger share intended

for her. - indeed she must take the credit of inspiring

a very large degree of the admiration I feel for the Entire

community of Hanoverians. and if my determination and

courage have survived the lists to which they have been subject

I am sure my sincere friendship might now to be

considered as firmly established -But! abrupt though

it may seem, I must turn to another subject else you

may consider the contents of our letter entirely ignored

I wish I could learn the happy art (most ladies possess

it) of confining myself to the legitimate limits of epistolary

style & expression – but unfortunately I feel sensible


[Marginalia – top of page]

[continuation from Pg3 marginalia]

matters of this kind? – Please give my love to her if she

will not be vexed at my impertinence, and tell her, if she does

go to be sure and enjoy herself a great deal, & to bring

glowing accounts of her visit back with her – as well as

the fair friend she promised to bring to Ingleside last spring

[continues on Pg1 marginalia]