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I had never seen any one whom I

thought worthy of him & besides it

was an unspeakable happiness to

me to know that I held that

nearest & dearest place in his heart:

but when with a touch of your magic

wand, you stirred the deep waters

of his soul, that had never even

been ruffled before, pangs of jealousy

would shoot through my heart at

the thought; I soon, however overcame

these wrong feelings, for my better

judgement told me that you would

not be usurping my place, but by

increasing his happiness you would

be filling my cup to the brim:

oh! how I loved, at twilight, to sit

on his knee, & list to the oft repeated

story of your many charms & well I

knew how each would end with,

"Now Pet don't you love her"? & my ready

answer was always: "Yes, darling, very,

very dearly; far more than I can tell you":