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could make me forget you __ I have

not time though now to write more

on this subject:       You ask what

Mr T___ calls me : every pet name

that love can invent, dear Bettie :

The most used are "little darling" :

"pet" : my little comfort" : ["heart-ease"?]

my priceless jewel : &c &c :  I could

not tell you all were I to fill this

page & some, dear Bettie are so

sweet, modesty forbids my repeat-

ing them :       Were I to

tell you what I think of his face

dearest, you would think of course,

the description an exaggerated

one, so I will only say, he is consid-

ered quite handsome :


I write in the greatest haste imag-

inable, & am so nervous I scarcely