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up with many discomforts & being at the

same time away from those who know

you & would sympathize with you, is

not calculated to keep one in a

pleasant frame of mind; but I only laugh

at the appearance of things & our present

sytle of living & will not allow myself to be

made unhappy by them :  Methodist min-

isters & their families must take things

just as they find them, for they move so

often it would be foolishness to try to furnish a

house & then in a year or two have

all the heavy furniture to move, to some

far distant place : in fact it could not

be done : so we must be content, let sur-

rounding circumstances be what they

may :    You would laugh most heartily

Bettie were I to give you some

instances of what a splendid housekeeper

I make, but time will not allow : I thought