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changeble here now about after

this sort two days stormy one cloudy

one mudy and one pleasant at this

point it will commence at the head

again and so on.  we have to drill

four hours in a day now some times

with the sabre and some times with

the carbine  we used the latter do day

I like the drill verry much  I shall

go on guard duty to morrow  duty

finds me on my post evry time I

received a letter from Nathan to day

the folks are all well which I was

quite glad to hear.  we have heard

glorious news along back there is lively

times among the soldiers they believe

that they will have mannassas soon

all the artillery have been ordered over

the river  we expect to hear of

an engagement evry day it will

be a bloody one some regiments have

been ordered to march on Manassas.