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they leave their tents behind

them they take three days

rations with them  I should like

to be with them we have not got

our horses yet  I am a notion to get

out of this regement  I will go and

join the the Burnside expaedton or

the regular cavalry  I am getting

tired of doing nothing  I did not

I did not enlist to work at that trade

this reg will not be fit to go into

action in six monts the way it has

been managed there is more red tape

buisness a going on than any thing else

I doubt the loyalty of some of our officers

any farther than dollars and cents is concerned


     Dwite Watterman came to our camp

week or such a matter ago he let me

read a letter from Aunt Daphne  hs

regament has been ordered over the river

they they have marched I believe  I wish

I was with him  I must stop for