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that I wont have [?] a merry christmas you may depend

upon it I shall and some poultry to if I should be sent

out with a party of skermishers I am a going to brag over

you alittle for we have got a new stove in our tent and

a frying pan a dripping pan and a boiler an th handsome est

tea keettle I ever saw without any poking so you had

better believe that we live grand we have fried stake

and baked potatoes, coffee, rise, shugar, molases, bread, pork, bacon

and tea occasionly.  but no codfish since we tiped their tables

over in Albany you know some soldiers do not love their country

enough to put up with evry thing well there I have been out

and chopped some wood and made up a fire and

prepared for supper and now I will finish this letter

we drilled to day with the saber the weather is pleasant now

it snowed here a few flakes yesterday the roads are dusty

here now the wind blew the dust in our eyes so this

fore noon that we could not drill I have not time to write

much more now.  I want you to write as soon as you get this I

believe it does me just as much good or more to hear from

you as it does you to hear from me and you have more convienences

for writing than I have here when you writ you may if you

are a mind to let me know all the news and how the

house is progressing and all the news in general


I remain still your dutiful son   Cassimer


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