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Our victuals they were never hot

You should have seen the soup we got

Which gave most evry man the trot

Before we got to dixie


In running out the boys caut cold

Which made them cross and made them scold

Our codfish sometimes tasted old

            Here on the road to dixie


Next down the river we took a tour

We-d chance to sleep about an hour

Our meat was bad our coffee sour

            Tis fun to go to Dixie


Still I suppose it is all right

But if you wish to see a sight

Be shure and travil in the night

            As we did down to Dixie


They must have thought us fond of jars

They put us in some poor old cars

And jolted us till we saw stars

            Comming down to Dixie


In the Philadelphia cooper shop

Evry man filled well his crop