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                    Washington July 15th /62


Dear Sister

                          It is with much pleasure

I take my pen this morning to answer

your kind letter  it is verry warm this morning

full warm enough for comfort  I persume you wish

to know how my health is now  I can tell you that

it is improving for I have had annother attacked

of the intermittant fever  I was not confined to my

bed onely six or seven days  I had the best of care

in the hospital and it pleased god to rais me the

second time from a bed of sickness  I feel truly that

the great Being who counts the number of the stars

numbers all my woes and pains and sorrows  What

multiplied proofs He was given in the past that

He careth for me I may well confide to him the unknown

morrow for God is good  God is strong  God is mindefull

What a blessed threefold link in the chain of divine

comfort!  It is in the day of trouble He delights more

especially to manifest His goodness.  As an earthly father

loves his child most in its hour of sickness and pain

so with my Father in heaven he knows my

soul in adversities.  Prayr has lost none of its efficacy

When other help and hope is gon when the enemy

is coming in like a flood how comforting to


[marginalia - Top of page]

this sheet is prety well

filled up and I will sign my name on the top of it

Yours affectionately       C P Churchill