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it is time for me to attend getting dinner

it is my turn to day.


well I have got dinner and washed

the dishes and put them away mabe

you would like to know what we

had for dinner  well I will you we

had beef steak fried and bread and

coffee sugar and molasses after dinner

it was announced that there would be

some new year speaches made by some

of our officers all that attended were

requested to wear their side arms

E. Stever spoke first and then Capt Stunson

and then a lieut and then Capt Anderson

to my notion they got the of our chaplain

After this was over I got supper which

consisted of sweet peas fried steak and

coffee crackers and bread &c mabe you

think that it strange for me to cook

but just please tell the girls not to

get married until the soldiers return

home and then they can get one that

can cook and wash and iron and

do all kinds work fighting not excepted

well this is about done on account of room

tell give my love to Ante Pop and tell

Nathan that I will write to him

soon  I wanto go down to Fort Washington

first if I can get a pass

    To my much respected parents.   Casimer



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