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and relieved him and stood his

guard in the hail rain & snow until nine

oclock this morning then I was relieved by

the new guard  25  the Captain excused

me from drill to day except parade

Jan 26th I went on review to day and

went to meeting and went on dress

parade  Jan 27th we had a tip top

regimental drill to day there was

two or three regiments of infantry practic

eing at loading and firing it was

a grand sight  Jan 28th  we drilled as usual

to day  Jan 29th  I wrote a letter to Marcus

Thatcher to day and drilled as usual Jan

30th It rained to day we did not drill to

day we had a bible class in the evening

at our tent the first sergent & second lieutenant

was present  we had a tip top time too

Jan 31st  I was on guard to day and was

stationed at the guard house to take care

of some prisoners it happened that there

was a peddler in there trading with the

prisoners when I was stationed there the