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York Town VA  April 7th 1862


Dear Brother Albro

                  As I have a few leisure

moments now I will try and write you a letter and

let you know my whereabouts  I thought you would

be anxious to know we are at York yet but expect to move

evry hour the rebs run off Saturday leaving their guns

and amunition and tents  Saturday Sunday morning our cavalry

and light artillery went in persuit and overtook their

rear guard about noon and captured some of them and

brought the back here Monday they had a battle

where our troops gained a compleet victory and took some

prisoners   Sunday morning I [in?] our picket lines and went into 

york with our advance regaments and I went all

through the enemys works there was a number of our men killed

by the bursting of shells that the rebs had planted under

the g surface of the ground  I helped dig out some of them

they had a torpedo in the fuse so when they were stepped