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April 8th 1862


I wrote a letter to Charles to day and then went out

shooting ducks  I killed a loon after fireing about 40

shots at him with my carbine.


April 9th  I went up the black river about six miles

and got some sweet potatoes  we then crossed the river to

look for three of our drumer boys that went over there

the last we knew of them but we did not find them

an old sesesh told us that they were taken prisoners we

had a turkey shoot and then returned to camp with our



April 10  Nothing of nay importance happened to day


April 11 We saw the marimac run out and capture three of our chooners

towards night she fired on our gun boats which returned

the fire and the Marrimac retreated beyond Sewels point


April 12  I went down to Fortress monroe to day the men in the fort

was watching the rebel gun boats we moved our camp onto

dryer ground it has been very wet and cold here


April 13  To day is the sabath we have a sabbath morning inspection at

noon Stever made a prayr for the recent victories we have gained


April 14  We struck our tents this morning and marched for Yorktown

we took dinner on the enemys works at big bethel and

then we marched to Harwoods mills and encamped for

the night


April 15  the next morning we resumed our march intil we came

wihin shelling distance of the enemy we have 80 prisoner

to guard here


April 16  I am on guard to day  ther was a number of rebel shells bursted

near out camp to day


April 17 It is warm and pleasant to day there was a cannonating kept

up all night at three oclock there was a shell struck near

me I got it it did not burst I went to our pickets I

could see the sentinal on the enemys works


April 18 Least night there was some skirmishing on our left and

some in that direction to day


April 19  I an on guard duty to day they have made two or

thre balloon assentions to day it is cloudy and

commences to rain