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distance from us, but as we only thought

it was their rear guard corvering their retreat

only a few Skirmishers were thrown out

to drive them up, but as we gained

the edge of the wood, their fortifications

were close to us, and they opened upon

us with their cannon, some of a New

York battery attacked [attached] to this division, and

returmed the fire, a part of a regular

battery, refused to fight, and the regular

major cut down two of them with his

Sabre, they Said they were too near

the enemies works, the guns were

quickly maned [manned] by the N.Y. boys, one

of the rebels [works] mounting four

guns was so handy to our battery,

that two of our companies (,B & K)

were directed to deploy as Skirmishers

and creep up and pick of [off] the men

that worked the guns, and So well

well did we perform this duty, that

only one Shot was fired from that