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the medical department thier option in choosing

from the army or from citizens their Apothecary

at a Military post - They detailed me as a

citizen for Post Apothecary at a Salary of $28.50

per month and board & lodging in the most

comfortable quarters in camp but no uniform

my salary is 25.00 and the 3.50 is for clothing

which I will get and it is a splendid uniform

Crimson trimmings and a gold lace shoulder

strap with a green velvet [ground] and Esculapius'

(the god of Medicine) sign thus on arm [figure of the sign] I have

no uniform yet as Dr McVickar has not adjusted

my case yet with the proper authorities -

    This is likely to be a military post during

the war and half an hour ago there were a lot of

guerilla's brought in from Colorado - the roughest

toughest men this side Pandemonium I ever gazed

on - I shall be here if all goes well 3 years -

the 3 months men will be muster'd out in 11 days

and to morrow 5000 men will come in -

   My work dont commence till 9 then I open

the federal Drug store put up about 700 presns

which with secesh to wash up after me takes me

till 4 oclock, then stragglers come in and when

they are through I go round camp smoking

and chatting with the Morris boys or intelligent

Southerners. Why Celia one of my best com-

panions in this prison is a secesh from New