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here, to come and live with him again. promising

to pay me as good a salary as I can get in Morris

and to draw it every day if I want to.

    What do you think of the proposal my

little dear? of course I should not go without

seeing you first - as I should have to come to

Morris anyhow. Beau will employ me if I

ask him but I would see him in Jericho before

I ask him - What would you do if you was

me provided I dont stay here after the

3 mos men are mustered out? For I dont

know what will take place here should

it prove a camp of instruction -

Others than Dr McVickar would be here

probably!    I could resign myself to

anything your better judgement might

dictate, for our mutual happiness.

  You know what I am worth in this

   worlds goods, and my present prospects

            Now decide to the best of your

ability, under ordinary circumstances

you would say "well Richard you know