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As I do how I am affected by such

coldness now then I pray you discon-

tinue this course and write me how

you feel now toward me - write if you

cherish any hope - or for Gods sake

let us agree to part forever and End

our sorrows.

   Miine will live though I love you dearly

I have learned to love you absent more

& more every day and will till Death

parts us.

  Kiss little "Rosebud" for me, she will

always bind me to you

  I am neither sentimental or love sick

in what I have written I am tired of this

suspense actual separation is preferable

No power on Earth if you Ever loved me

should induce you to act so towards

me not Even a mothers love - forgive

me and renew your affectionate alleginace

dear Celia you owe it to me for better of

for worse, for richer or poorer in sickness

and adversity, just as much as if I had never

fallen - your love ought to have sustained me

I think now it would if you will only try

   once more to help me - what more can I say