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or do - the reason I do not send you money

is that I am buying clothes which will

cost me at least $6000 I pay 600 for board

the lowest I can get anywhere ( I did pay 5

but they have raised) I have sent you 1000

and my washing bills have to be paid count

that up and see how I stand

I know for a few weeks your folks can

keep you I want to come & see you - You

can make me happy will you, and all

my wealth & position I will lay at your

feet for all time I will love you dearly

I will concede to Every wish of your hear[t]

and never again offend by word or deed

if you will only resotre me now or set

some time in which you will do it

I have broken promises before but after

this cant you believe me do my good

dear Celia precious wife do

   I want your aid now Even I am

crippled, and I am not certain I have

your love  oh darling it is agony

        good night

                  darling pet
