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                    Monday 16 Jany 65

Dear Mrs Morgan,

                      I received your sweet

letter with my own to Mrs M Enclosed.

     You Know your duty as a wife dont

you to get another person to dun me

in that shameful underhanded manner

    Why did you not write me yourself

I will pay that bill, and mark you

if you value your future happiness

or mine be careful how you relapse

unto the d---d cool style of address

to me -

    Not the least of our former

differences was your complicity & confidence

in a parcel of gossiping women insted

of me - I can pay that bill twice over

but I want a home & by spring will

have one you can share it with me or

not as you please, but dont by writing

so damned cool Ever get me to say "I

dont love you" or it will be the last you

will hear of me - You know I can and

would be good and want to be if you

would only let me - I love you yet and

want to always but I am angry & nervous
