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be Dick you [?] if you ever [?]

one such another trick again I will

well I wont say what I will do: I should

have written sooner but for a variety of reasons

on Friday night I had no good pens, and on

Saturday night I found I have no paper so

you see my excures our all valid; your last

letter did me good it seemed more like your

self in the "olden time" than most of your

letters do, keep on trying to resist templation

and you may yet be a man the world will

delight to honor; it is now 2 P.M. so of course

I have not had my tea for breakfast I had

beafsteak, potatoes, eggs, breakfast cakes, maple

syrup and coffee, for dinner the same only

add parsnips and for "breakfast cakes" and

"syrup" read bread and mince pie. I shant

tell you how I wear my hair now but when I

get another installment I will send my photo,

I have got just fifty cents left, and I am debating

whether to spend it for oysters or candy. Dear

Richard if you will be a good boy and can show

me that you do not drink at all I will try

and make you a visit sometime this summer

if you wold like to have me:     Yesterday

I received the "holy communion" be assured you