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  Now Celia dont breathe a word of this

to anyone for my sake, will you? for I would

not have him know that I wrote this to

you for anything. dont you think I am doing

right, I think he will write again after

a while, if he does and writes me a decent

letter I will answer it, now Celia please dont

say anything about it. Katie and I went

and heard Mr Locke preach last sunday

in Chicago, it seemed so good, I heard

we were going to have an Episcopal church

here I hope we are, but I think it rather


  And now Dear Celia please write me a

long letter next time, does Miss Ada ever

say anything about me not writinig to her?

The bell has just rang for study hours

so I will have to close, with much love I remain

  Your true Friend Belle.



   Please excuse this miserable writing

for I have to scribble my letters off in such a

hurry I cannot take any pains with them.

Miss Spencer who was a visiting at F.T.

Gardiner comes here to school.