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Have you seen Mrs. S. lately and how

does she prosper,? of course she has

just as much to say as usual.

   Whats going to be did the Fourth

in Morris, this year, any thing extra,

I am going to spend it in the City

so I will be home the Monday after,

which will be in about four weeks

Oh! wont that be a happy time

when I can be home once more to stay

long enough to breathe. Saturday afternoon

most a beautiful day, I have been

very busy all day, and have just

found a few moments in which

I had nothing special to do, so I

thought, the very best way I could use

them was in finishing my Friend Rich,'s

letter, I think I shall come here next year

if our folks are willing, for I think

I like staying here better than in

Morris, there is not so much gossip

, every body does not know it every