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3 miles at double-quick, thro’ wood & water

knee-deep.  Just as we came within

range Col. Riley halted us to catch

breath, &  made a brief speech, saying that

“they were probably the last words he

should say to us, but that any man

who did not want to go in, might go

back.”  Not a man, I believe, refused to “go

in,” and we dashed up the road through

an opening in the breast-work, and took

a position where rebels, concealed by rifle –

pits, logs, & brush-wood, had a fine cross-

-fire at us from both sides of the road,

agreeably varied by the shell, shot, &

grape from the redoubts & Fort Ma-

gruder.  I give a sketch of our position below


[sketch of position -sketch is described on next page]