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     Our marches since the battle have

been very monotonous, only varied by chang-

es from heat and dust to rain and mud,

and vice-versa.  We found James “City” ( or

Jim’s City, as the people called it,) to con-

sist of four dwellings, one Post Office, a

store or factory, two smoke-houses, a half

dozen negro quarters, and one shed over a

dry well.  There may have been another

smoke-house, but I wouldn’t like to swear

to it now. Remingtonville had one house,

Kent Court House about half a dozen,

all very fine and neat, and an old look-

ing hotel.

    You speak in your last letter, and

I think in others, of being low-spirited.

I am sorry to find that you are melancholy,

and wish that I could relieve you. What

do you judge to be the cause or causes of

your sadness? I am afraid I have written

in too gloomy a tone, and should have had

more sense, but a melancholy vein was over

me also, and like the Hebrews at Babylon, I

could not sing while my heart was pining.

If religion is the cause of your sadness, do not,