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yesterday afternoon the colored troops

came here & relieved a division of

whites from the 10 corps.  The Rebs are

particularly bitter on the nigger soldiers.

Yesterday & the day before our boys on

picket were on the best of terms with

the Rebel pickets.  We went close to

their lines & Exchanged papers with

them – gathered green corn unmolested

Yet only last tuesday three days previous the 10th corps

had a desperate fight here – losing

several hundred men - & Sunday the

Second corps fought at Strawberry plains

within Sight & about a mile from

where I am now writing.  perhaps

ere you receive this We may have

an opportunity to use our pieces – though

all is now so quiet – nothing to indicate

that hostile forces are in our neighbor-

hood – Occasionally at long intervals

we hear the booming of Cannon in

the direction of Dutch bend & Fort Darling

The next night after we left Petersburg