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we Spent 7 days in

Halifax. left Halifax for

Liverpool Sat Dec 15.

I landed in Liverpool Eng

Dec. 25th Xmas day 9.30 a.m.

we pulled into the docks at

130 a.m. Dec 26 we caught 

a traine in Liverpool

Dec 26 2 am. we landed in 

Sou Hampton 730 am

Dec 27. we left Sou Hampton 4 am

for Birmingham where we

had coffee served by the

British Red Cross Ladies

from Birmingham our

next big city was 

Sou Hampton it was

here we caught the

S.S. Margarette to Cross

the English Channel

we left Sou. H. at 4 am Dec

27. we landed in Havre

France Dec. 28 2. am

this is a rest camp we

spent 7 days here

left Havre on New Years

Day Jan 1st. by trains