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15.  MERCREDI.  S. Maur.

Arrived at Dijon at 3 A.M.  Had

to stand up all the way on the train.

Had lunch in the Buffet.  Boarded train

at 5:25 for Langres.  Due in Langres

at 9:15 but arrived at 11:10.  Had seat

in 1st Cl. coach with Officers.  Had lunch

at Red Cross Canteen, Ran across the

Chief of Staff's car near station at 14:00.

Chauffeur gave us ride to Montigny-le-Roi.

Arr. at Montigny at 15:15.  Started to

work immediately.  Worked until 21:30.

Learned that Division was under

orders to move to Le Mans area.

16.  JEUDI.  S. Marcel.

Arose at 7:15.

Big day's work.