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Tuesday Oct. 12th    Temp. Max 85  Min 81

The sea has been like a mill pond

since leaving Panama -- four days ago.

Saturday night we had a dance; the Captain

came down and we all enjoyed a dance with

him -- I felt very much pleased that he

honored me with the first dance.

My bridge score so far is pretty good --

am about $17 plus, hope my good luck will last.

Just watched the porpoises jumping in the water

around the ship. To-night we are having

a progressive bridge party, prizes and everything.

Last night a very good movie, Raymond Griffith

in "Wet Paint" and Mrs Davis nearly killed her-

self laughing during the whole picture.


Wednesday Oct 13th   Temp. Max. 84  Min. 77

Last the cabin passengers and ship's officer

had a progressive bridge party -- 52 persons

played. The prizes were lovely -- Mrs Bales won

the ladies prize. Bills score was 28 and I was

sure he would receive the [booty], but he wasn't

even low enough for that.

The sea is still without a ripple and the

ship as quiet as if at anchor.

Thursdy Oct 14th  Temp  Max 79  Min 71

Friday Oct 15th    Temp. Max. 77  Min. 67

This is the first cool day we have had

since one day out of Annapolis. Put on my

jersey suit and is very comfy -- until to-day

every one wore lightest summer clothes. The

temperature is 66 (at 8 am) and temp of sea is 69.

Yesterday we saw some very beautiful high mountains

in the distance -- the land being Cape Lazaro of

Lower California. Expected to be in San Diego to-morrow

but this noon the ship stopped for 2 hours

and then it was announted that some engine trouble

had developed and would have to proceed into San

Diego at about 5 knots instead of 15.5 knots which is

our regular speed. Sent a radio in to San

Diego for a tug to tow us and thereby

increase our speed somewhat. The tug is due

to meet us at daybreak. Place where we

broke down is marked X on map.


Saturday Oct 16th    Temp. Max. 67   Min. 64

Missed the tug in the fog this A.M.

and did not sight her until nearly noon. Fog was

very thick. The tug came alongside in a very

heavy swell and 15 bags of mail was transferred