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Feb. 9, 1933

Daddy takes me to

school.  Helen doesn't go as

she has a pretty bad cold.

Awful cold. Stay for 

lunch.  Have my own

sanwiches.  Stay for

basketball practive after school.

Leave building about

5:25.  Walk home alone

by Monroe Ave instead of 

asking a ride of almost

strangers (Like the Sap I am.)

Nearly died of exposure.

I was so cold.  About 4 degree our

and a piercing wind.


[new page]

Wilcox's for supper

[P?sford] at Brighten (Plets won by 1 pt.)

Friday, Feb. 10, 1933

Wear mom's racoon coat

& my wooly suite to

school.  Very chilly.

Don't have any

music lessons and

wsn't because I quit

on my own accord as

I wasn't advancing, show-

ingly, in my muscial

education.  In other

words I'm disgusted.

Miss Featy stuff is a pretty

go teacher.