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Monday          23            July

204th                            161 Days

Day                                to come


Cloudy. showers predicted on Radio.

Dad over to Leaman's.  Bud & W.. at

Bill [Seats'.??]  I am afraid to do big

wash,air too damp & humid to dry

but wished I had as it came

out clera later.  I spent most of

day weeding along the edge.

I know I'll be stiff but it does

look nice when done.  Ethel called

Bob don't work to-night.  he

changed night's with some one.

Our corn is nice and we are

having a nice lot just now.

1st 2 rows are nearly done & next

nearly ready to use.  Bud out

gettng people lined up to vote

to-morrow for G. Steele.