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The had 8 qts' boxes limas to freezde


Friday             24          August

236th                             129 Days

Day   St Bartholomew        to come


Nice day. cool.  Boys to Dr, Charch

at Steward's place & Ernest Faucett's Pump.

Dad putting names on cans  for

Eachus.  I am cleaning off shelves

& putting peaches away.  I just

did 8 qts'.  I kept rest to use.  I

have 4 qts left from last year so that

will be plenty.  I cleaned out barrel

& found lot of [Samys'?] jars & gave

them to her. packed mine back.

In eve. Dad & Ma L. came to help

freeze limas.  Dad & I helped shell

them, then I came Home.  Ma

L. is enough help, am sure

I am not needed.  Had 8 qts boxes

by [locker?] wasn't open when

they went in.  Put them in Henderson

deep quick freeze.