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several dates.

                        August 19, 1942

            Today was Nana's birthday.  She

came for lunch and then Mother, she and

I went to the Valencia to see "Crossroads"

and "Friendly Enemies."  The latter was

excellent as it pictured the transition

of a German – American to an American

during World War I.

            The "Second Front" opened today,

with British and American Commandos

invading France.

                        August 20, 1942

            I spent another day at the

Nursery.  Each time I go, I like it better.

The children are such darlings!  You

should have seen me teaching them to

Lindy and do the Conga.

            Floyd and I went to see "Tarzan's

New York Adventure" (Neat!) and "Are

Husbands Necessary?" (Well, I don't know!)

It was a pretty good show and we

had fun.