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lunch at their apartment and then saw

Charlie Chaplin's "The Gold Rush" – a revival.

It was a riot and we almost died


            Tonight, Bill Brennan and Bussie

Davis came up for dinner.  They're both

grand fellows.  Bill came to say

"Goodbye" for awhile (Sniff!)  He gave me

a black woolly lamb as a reward for

having let my nails grow.  It's adorable

and was officially christened "Willie."

                        Sept. 9, 1942

            Nana came down, which explains

the sort of day we had.  It was rainy and

we stayed around.  I bought three

pairs of shoes – black, brown and


            We met Daddy. –

                        Sept. 10, 1942

            At 8:15 A.M. in Grand Central

we met Ginnie Colburn, in from Milwaukee.

She's a swell gal and loads of fun.

She'd never before been to New York and