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to discuss the new system with rushing not

until November.  It makes it tough cause

upperclassmen can say “Hi” to freshmen

and that’ about all.  I want to talk to

Doris so badly – she seems terrifically homesick.

                        Sept. 24, 1942

            Philosophy, Eco, and English Lit.  Dr.

Herdingsfield is a riot in Economics.

            Cary, Jan, Jamie and I went to

see “Orchestra Wives” with Glenn Miller and his

orchestra.  It was swell and the songs were


            After supper we had our first pep

rally – we play Navy Saturday.  It was exciting

though.  Then Beth, Lou, Kay, Colbie, Elaine &

I went to the College Pharmacy for limeade and

came back home

                        Sept. 25, 1942

            I just had Sociology today cause

instead of our eleven o’clock classes we had

our opening convocation.  Our new President Pomfret

was introduced and seems awfully nice.  The

seniors marched in caps and gowns.