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Navy “E” for excellence in production.

                        Dec. 22, 1942

            Mother and I went Christmas shopping.

The stores were pretty crowded inspite of the

fact that rationing and the like didn’t leave too

much variety in the stores.  I love the hustle –

bustle of Christmas though.

            Edith and I met Bursie – she had

half a day off.  We had lunch at the News

Tavern (chow mein) and then went to Radio

City to see “Random Harvest” and the Christmas

show.  It was wonderful.

                        Dec. 23, 1942

            Mother and I fooled around, going

shopping in Jamaica and seeing people.  Floyd

phoned and Bill Brennan came home from

Lehigh and phoned.  It was good to know he’s

home.  It’ll seem funny not to know Bill

Brennan is there.  It doesn’t seem possible that

he’ll be in the army in a little over a month.

                        Dec. 24, 1942

            A typical Christmas Eve and really so

nice.  Dad came home early.  We trimmed the tree