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really be a mess no matter

how you figure it out.  President

Bryan called a special convocation

to which I couldn’t go because I

was, at that time, doing duty in

the tower.  He said he ‘d give

us details as soon as possible.

But lordy I know one girl

who isnt’ going (in fact, I

know a lot of people).  Do you

realize I’d be at the ripe old

age of 18 when graduating

from college!  Nothng’s been

said about spring vacation yet,

but we’re hoping to still get it:

Gosh!  It’s terrible!

            About the room! There’s

no hurry because everything is

so unsettled.  Half the people

won’t be back next year.  In fact,

many people I know aren’t

coming back after February.

Who knows!  Maybe I won’t be

here next year, do just don’t

do anything about it yet, cause

the whole situation is so