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January 7

All day we've felt silly and accomplished

nothing. All we did was laugh, play

records and bull. Philosophy, Economics

and English Lit. were a little grim

in that serious talk about the

coming exams went on and made me

realize (as it always does!) how

little I know and how much I

have to learn between now and then.

This afternoon, Beth and I went to

the library to do philosophy. It's

gotten to be too much for me. Every

year -- every week – I swear to study

it and every week I don't. Someday,

I'll reform, I hope.

     We went over to meet Carolyn Harley

at Camouflage class and zoomed to the


     No excitement – no nothin' today –

just fun. My! How little there is to

write about when I hit Williamsburg!