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January 30

     Commencement Day and real sad

it was too. Ginny Humphries and Holly

[Rickis?] graduated in a ceremony not

nearly as impressive as the June ones.

What with Danny moving to the Practice

House and Libby becoming Mrs. Beville

in practice, some wonderful girls are

leaving this weekend.

     The ice storms brought wires down today

and Williamsburg was without electricity.

A gang of us went to the Lodge and ate by

candlelight. The power at campus stayed on.

     We gave a shower for Libby and she

seemed terrifically thrilled and happy. Fun!

     I registered this morning. Besides Econ.,

English Lit., Spanish, Philosophy as usual I'm

taking Psychology of the Interview. (Fascinatin')

Phys. Ed. is Bowling and Folk Dancing.

    [I got C in Philosophy & B in English Lit.]

Also in the mail came a coldish letter from

Bill Boyd. I'm confoosed!

     Holly Miller came back for her second semester!!!!