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February 27

   Such a nice sleep! Dr. Heidingsfield went

to New York for the weekend and so I

didn't have any classes until eleven

o'clock and consequently spent a

lovely, lazely morning: cleaning up

around the room and stuff.

   'Twas another typical Saturday afternoon.

We walked around downtown, to the

Wigwam and back and horsed around

at the house, writing letters, but

mostly not accomplishing a darned

thing. Dossie came over and I helped

her write a theme for English, amidst

talks and catching up on latest news.

Tonight I washed my hair manicured

my growing nails and generally spent

a "typical Saturday night at William

and Mary."

   Spring vacation has been changed to

April 7-15th. I'm thinking of cutting

and staying home longer. I hope I can!