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March 16

Nothing new happened in classes – Tommy is down to

see Kay and after Philosophy I officially met

and chitchatted with him for awhile. After lunch

Beth & I went to the Infirmary to chitchat up the

window at Cary. Then all afternoon I did

Philosophy and wrote letters. After that I went to

work and tonight I did it all by myself – made

several mistakes but I guess I'll improve.

By the way, I made application for Social

Security – I'm a big (!) girl now. I've

yearned for a Social Security Number for

ages!   Exciting mail snuck in from

Bugsie, Audrey, Edith, Margie Samuelson,

Bill Brennan and Mother & Dad. Bugsie

is definitely planning to come down in

May – I'm so glad; Aud told me all

about her going steady with Jack [Menderman?],

and Margie wrote a sweet thank you note.

Bill Brennan's letter was written in a

carburetor manner but it did have an

occasional perk