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March 22

   Today was one of those days, beginning

one of those weeks – you know, the way I see

it now, almost every second there is will

be taken up with something or other. It

snowed some more and after lunch,

we went out to take some pictures of the

lush stuff on campus. Then I started

to grind, and lordy, I had to! With

an economics and an English exam

both tomorrow, neither of which do I

know too much about, I've been verily

hitting the books. I'll be so glad when

these fool exams, term papers and all

are over with.

   This evening was the usual: – I had

W.S.C.G.A. meeting with installation of

officers (Fran looked so good up on the

stage of Phi Beta), song practice,

sorority and house meeting afterwards.

Nothing amazingly new at any.

   Mail from home and Bugsie!