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March 26

   Another nice day. The big event was

the arrival of my Social Security number.

Now, I'm officially a working girl with

my ***-**-**** staring me in

the face. I'm thrilled!

   Classes were exciting in that I made A-

on my last Psych. exam. I was muchly

pleased. I had B on my experiment book!

   I watched in the tower for my traditional

two hours and then cut Philosophy quiz

(got B- on last weeks') cause I couldn't

possibly have had time to study for it.

Beth Punchy had a lazy afternoon—

on the roof and sleeping in the room.

Working tonight was the same as usual.

I still love it so good though.

   Mail from home and packages of

summer dresses and the like too,

with cookies. Spring vacation is hovering

near – in less than two weeks. It'll

be good to go home. It's fun here though.