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May 11

    I went to classes, and then as usual went

downtown with Cary to do the marketing – was

amazed that some boxes of puddings had

arrived in town – it made our housekeeping

have a bright spot for the day.

    Archery was nice in that I got off the

40 yd line in one try. I must have

just been jinxed by the 30 yd line –

I have a new lease on life now though.

On the way back from archery, I stopped

in to see Holly, Kay and Louise and talked

with them for awhile before coming back

to the house and getting ready to have my

picture taken again for the Trans mitter,

the Telephone Co. periodical. Speaking of

pictures, the Flat Hat came out tonight

with our crummy picture and the

writeup. Punchy and I are celebrities!

   Mother phoned about Daddy’s maybe coming

down and to say she has the measles –

imagine! Harold also phoned me!