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May 20

   No more classes or anything, ceptin’

exams – I still can’t believe it – Honest!

‘Tis all over but the shouting and

I’ve even made up my double gym. Archery,

with a tournament, was terrifically hot,

and so it was super indeed to go

swimming even though we didn't have a

regular class. Now I can go on towards

being a Junior (depending on my exams natchally!)

   I got a letter from the New York

office of the American Tel and Til Co.

telling me to come in, in June to see about

a job. At least it’s something definite

that I can look into to see what

they have to offer instead of wandering

around completely aimlessly.

    Mrs. Dalthud took over the marketing

today; and we’re really elated about

it. Three cheers!!!

    I washed my hair tonight and am

comparatively smooth! So much studying to

do and so little time to do it in.