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May 27

    Another day of pure studying! I’d

much rather have exams day after day,

than sit and cram Psych., Econ. and

Philosophy into my head at the same

time and then wait to find out how

much I don’t remember. I can picture

me writing Psychological answers on

my Economics exam!

    All morning and part of this

afternoon I spent over at the Practice

House reviewing Econ. (see! I said I was

in a rut!) with Danny. It helped to

see the various emphasis placed on different

things. Then this evening inbetween

perpetual feasts (from boxes à la Hollis)

and a phone call from Mother, Beth, Punchy

and I rambled over Psych.

     I got a card from Bill Boyd – he’s

been on maneuvers and is going out

again – doesn’t lead to a very satisfactory

correspondence; but when the real time comes……